
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria

Consulate General of Algeria in London

  مواقيت العمل من الثلاثاء إلى السبت من الساعة 9:00 إلى الساعة 15:30 مصلحة التأشيرات : من الساعة 9:00 إلى الساعة 13:00 مصلحة الوثائق البيومترية : من الساعة 9:00 إلى الساعة 15:30

Consular services fees

Consular services fees / Tarification des prestations consulaires :

Nature of service / Nature de la prestationValue / Valeur (DA)Value / Valeur (£)

Passport / Passeport  

Students and under 19 Children

( For Students , a valid student certificate is needed

6000 DA


   3000 DA





Passport / Passeport ( Lost, stolen or damaged)             £100 

National identity card / Carte nationale d’identité 


National identity card / Carte nationale d’identité( Lost, stolen or damaged)     1000  DA  £10 

Terminating residency / Certificat de changement de résidence (CCR)

- this fee is increased by 400 DA per 10,000 DA of the declared value

- this fee is reduced by 50% for students and trainees only

4000 DA

    400 DA   



Accommodation certificate / Attestation d’Accueil

500 DA


Parental authorization for travel / Autorisation paternelle

200 DA


Legalization of documents / Légalisation

200 DA


Certificate conform / Certificat conforme

200 DA


Certified copy / Copie certifiée conforme

200 DA


Legalisation of commercial documents / Visa pour documents commerciaux

6000 DA


Certificate of origin for goods / Certificat d’origine pour marchandise

6000 DA


Power of attorney/ Procuration         500 DA    £5
Sworn statement/Déclaration sur l'honneur         200 DA          £2

Registration of vessels / Algérianisation des navires

25.000 DA


Certificate of seaworthiness of vessels / Certificat de sécurité ou de navigabilité des navires

30.000 DA


Duplicate of family book / Duplicata du livret de famille

2000 DA


Translation of a family book / Traduction d’un livret de famille

2000 DA


Certificate of legal representative / Attestation de représentant légal

500 DA


Declaration of loss / Déclaration de perte

200 DA


Attestation of consular registration / Attestation d’immatriculation consulaire

200 DA


Certificate of cancellation from the consular registers / Attestation de radiation des registres consulaires d’immatriculation

200 DA


Criminal record / Casier judiciaire


Notes: Fees must be paid in GB Pound only;

  1. The payments must be in cash or by postal order, payable to the Consulate, for applications sent by post;
  2. Do not send cash by post;


Algerian Consulate


nouveau siege portal way 2

Algerian General Consulate in London
5 Portal Way w3 6RT

 (+44) 0208 752 1177

National Service.

معركة الجزائر التطبيق

الوكالة الجزائرية لترقية الاستثمار




Biometric Passport


How to obtain it ?
How to renew it ?
Photo requirements

Book an appointment

tel fix (+44) 020 7594 0157


Civil Status

error civil

Civil status documents correction

form in Arabic
form in french

Required Documents

Birth Certificate 12s

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